
1. 小白如何使用这些提示词?

打开Midjourney,① 选择一个新手频道 ② 完整复制粘贴本文中的英文提示词,然后回车。 过一会儿(大约30秒~3分钟)后,就会生成图片。


给ChatGPT一个例子,让它模仿例子写提示词,会更高效。 例如,要生成中国长城的图片,可以这样写:


示例(可以选择正文的示例):IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Historical | EMOTION: Timeless | SCENE: A breathtaking view of the Parthenon at sunset, with its majestic columns and pediments, standing proud against a warm, golden sky | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Ancient Greek temple | CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D850 | CAMERA LENSE: 24-70mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Golden hour lighting | TAGS: Classical Architecture, Ancient Greek, Roman architecture, columns, pediments, symmetrical design, Parthenon –ar 16:9

ChatGPT 4生成的长城提示词:

IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape photography | GENRE: Historical | EMOTION: Majestic | SCENE: An awe-inspiring panoramic view of the Great Wall of China, snaking over hills and mountains, under the dramatic overcast sky | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Ancient Chinese fortification | CAMERA MODEL: Sony Alpha 7R IV | CAMERA LENSE: 16-35mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Dramatic sky | TAGS: Great Wall of China, Ancient Chinese, fortification, mountains, majestic, architectural wonder –ar 16:9





1. 希腊遗珠

图片类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:历史 | 情感:永恒 | 场景:帕台农神庙在落日余晖下的壮丽景象,它雄伟的柱子和山形墙,自豪地矗立在温暖的金色天空中 | 演员:无 | 位置类型:古希腊神庙 | 相机型号:尼康 D850 | 相机镜头:24-70mm f/2.8 | 特效:黄金时段的光线 | 标签:古典建筑、古希腊、罗马建筑、柱子、山形墙、对称设计、帕台农神庙 –宽高比16:9

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Historical | EMOTION: Timeless | SCENE: A breathtaking view of the Parthenon at sunset, with its majestic columns and pediments, standing proud against a warm, golden sky | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Ancient Greek temple | CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D850 | CAMERA LENSE: 24-70mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Golden hour lighting | TAGS: Classical Architecture, Ancient Greek, Roman architecture, columns, pediments, symmetrical design, Parthenon –ar 16:9


图片类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:纪录片 | 情感:怀旧 | 场景:一张黑白照片,捕捉了斗兽场的拱门和精细细节,现代游客在探索古老的大厅 | 演员:游客 | 位置类型:古罗马露天剧场 | 相机型号:佳能 EOS R5 | 相机镜头:16-35mm f/2.8 | 特效:黑白、高对比度 | 标签:古典建筑、古希腊、罗马建筑、柱子、山形墙、对称设计、斗兽场 –宽高比3:2

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Documentary | EMOTION: Nostalgic | SCENE: A black-and-white image of the Colosseum, capturing its arches and intricate details, with modern-day visitors exploring its ancient halls | ACTORS: Visitors | LOCATION TYPE: Ancient Roman amphitheater | CAMERA MODEL: Canon EOS R5 | CAMERA LENSE: 16-35mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Black and white, high contrast | TAGS: Classical Architecture, Ancient Greek, Roman architecture, columns, pediments, symmetrical design, Colosseum –ar 3:2


图片类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:艺术照 | 情感:激励 | 场景:一张戏剧性的特写照片,展现了古代神庙的科林斯柱,雕刻精美,令人惊叹的工艺感 | 演员:无 | 位置类型:古代神庙 | 相机型号:索尼 A7R IV | 相机镜头:70-200mm f/2.8 | 特效:浅景深、明暗对比的照明 | 标签:古典建筑、古希腊、罗马建筑、柱子、山形墙、对称设计、科林斯柱 –宽高比4:3

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Fine art | EMOTION: Inspiring | SCENE: A dramatic close-up of the Corinthian columns of an ancient temple, with intricate carvings and a sense of awe-inspiring craftsmanship | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Ancient temple | CAMERA MODEL: Sony A7R IV | CAMERA LENSE: 70-200mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Shallow depth of field, chiaroscuro lighting | TAGS: Classical Architecture, Ancient Greek, Roman architecture, columns, pediments, symmetrical design, Corinthian columns –ar 4:3


图片类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:旅游 | 情感:漫游欲 | 场景:一张全景照片,展现了古城以弗所的标志性建筑——塞尔索斯图书馆,它华丽的立面和高耸的柱子,被郁郁葱葱的绿色环绕 | 演员:无 | 位置类型:古城 | 相机型号:富士 GFX 100 | 相机镜头:32-64mm f/4 | 特效:鲜艳的色彩、全景格式 | 标签:古典建筑、古希腊、罗马建筑、柱子、山形墙、对称设计、以弗所 –宽高比16:9

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Travel | EMOTION: Wanderlust | SCENE: A panoramic view of the ancient city of Ephesus, showcasing its iconic Library of Celsus, with its ornate facade and towering columns, surrounded by lush greenery | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Ancient city | CAMERA MODEL: Fujifilm GFX 100 | CAMERA LENSE: 32-64mm f/4 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Vibrant colors, panoramic format | TAGS: Classical Architecture, Ancient Greek, Roman architecture, columns, pediments, symmetrical design, Ephesus –ar 16:9


图片类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:抽象 | 情感:神秘 | 场景:罗马广场的艺术诠释,聚焦于拱门、柱子和建筑细节所创造的几何图案和对称性 | 演员:无 | 位置类型:古罗马广场 | 相机型号:徕卡 M10-R | 相机镜头:35mm f/1.4 | 特效:几何图案、抽象构图 | 标签:古典建筑、古希腊、罗马建筑、柱子、山形墙、对称设计、罗马广场 –宽高比1:1

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Abstract | EMOTION: Intriguing | SCENE: An artistic interpretation of the Roman Forum, with a focus on the geometric patterns and symmetry created by its arches, columns, and architectural details | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Ancient Roman forum | CAMERA MODEL: Leica M10-R | CAMERA LENSE: 35mm f/1.4 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Geometric patterns, abstract composition | TAGS: Classical Architecture, Ancient Greek, Roman architecture, columns, pediments, symmetrical design, Roman Forum –ar 1:1


图片类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:历史 | 情感:威严 | 场景:哥特式大教堂被落日的温暖光芒所照耀,尖拱、肋拱和飞扶壁的精细细节清晰可见 | 演员:无 | 位置类型:哥特式大教堂 | 相机型号:佳能 EOS 5D Mark IV | 相机镜头:24-70mm f/2.8 | 特效:黄金时段的光线、长阴影 | 标签:哥特式建筑、中世纪欧洲、尖拱、肋拱、飞扶壁、大教堂、威严 –宽高比16:9

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Historical | EMOTION: Majestic | SCENE: A gothic cathedral bathed in the warm glow of a setting sun, with intricate details of pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses visible | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Gothic cathedral | CAMERA MODEL: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV | CAMERA LENSE: 24-70mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Golden hour lighting, long shadows | TAGS: Gothic architecture, medieval Europe, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, cathedral, majestic –ar 16:9


图片类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:奇幻 | 情感:迷人 | 场景:一座月光下的哥特式城堡,高耸的尖塔、尖拱、肋拱和飞扶壁,被笼罩在雾蒙蒙的森林中 | 演员:无 | 位置类型:哥特式城堡 | 相机型号:尼康 D850 | 相机镜头:14-24mm f/2.8 | 特效:月光、雾气、奇幻氛围 | 标签:哥特式建筑、中世纪欧洲、尖拱、肋拱、飞扶壁、魔法城堡、雾蒙蒙的森林 –宽高比16:9

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Fantasy | EMOTION: Enchanting | SCENE: A moonlit gothic castle with towering spires, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, nestled amidst a foggy forest | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Gothic castle | CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D850 | CAMERA LENSE: 14-24mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Moonlight, fog, fantasy atmosphere | TAGS: Gothic architecture, medieval Europe, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, enchanted castle, foggy forest –ar 16:9


图像类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:城市探险 | 情感:神秘 | 场景:一个废弃的哥特式大厦,有着精美的细节,包括尖拱门、肋拱顶和飞扶壁,长满了常春藤,周围笼罩着诡异的薄雾 | 演员:无 | 地点类型:废弃大厦 | 相机型号:索尼 A7R IV | 相机镜头:16-35mm f/2.8 | 特效:诡异的薄雾,茂盛的常春藤 | 标签:哥特式建筑,中世纪欧洲,尖拱门,肋拱顶,飞扶壁,城市探险,废弃大厦 –ar 16:9

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Urban exploration | EMOTION: Mysterious | SCENE: An abandoned gothic mansion with ornate details, including pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, overgrown with ivy and surrounded by an eerie mist | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Abandoned mansion | CAMERA MODEL: Sony A7R IV | CAMERA LENSE: 16-35mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Eerie mist, overgrown ivy | TAGS: Gothic architecture, medieval Europe, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, urban exploration, abandoned mansion –ar 16:9


图像类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:旅行 | 情感:令人惊叹 | 场景:一座哥特式桥梁,有着精细的尖拱门、肋拱顶和飞扶壁,横跨一条宁静的河流,背景是一座风景如画的中世纪小镇 | 演员:无 | 地点类型:哥特式桥梁 | 相机型号:富士 X-T4 | 相机镜头:23mm f/1.4 | 特效:水面倒影,风景如画的环境 | 标签:哥特式建筑,中世纪欧洲,尖拱门,肋拱顶,飞扶壁,令人惊叹,哥特式桥梁 –ar 16:9

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Travel | EMOTION: Awe-inspiring | SCENE: A gothic bridge with intricate pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, spanning a serene river, with a picturesque medieval town in the background | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Gothic bridge | CAMERA MODEL: Fujifilm X-T4 | CAMERA LENSE: 23mm f/1.4 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Reflections on the water, picturesque setting | TAGS: Gothic architecture, medieval Europe, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, awe-inspiring, gothic bridge –ar 16:9


图像类型:建筑摄影 | 类型:艺术作品 | 情感:戏剧性 | 场景:哥特式建筑上错综复杂的石雕近景,展示了中世纪工艺的精湛技艺,细节包括尖拱门、肋拱顶和飞扶壁 | 演员:无 | 地点类型:哥特式建筑 | 相机型号:哈苏 H6D-100c | 相机镜头:80mm f/2.8 | 特效:高对比度的黑白照片,戏剧性的照明 | 标签:哥特式建筑,中世纪欧洲,尖拱门,肋拱顶,飞扶壁,艺术作品,石雕 –ar 4:3

IMAGE_TYPE: Architectural photography | GENRE: Fine art | EMOTION: Dramatic | SCENE: A close-up view of the intricate stone carvings on a gothic building, showcasing the mastery of medieval craftsmanship, with details of pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses | ACTORS: None | LOCATION TYPE: Gothic building | CAMERA MODEL: Hasselblad H6D-100c | CAMERA LENSE: 80mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: High contrast black and white, dramatic lighting | TAGS: Gothic architecture, medieval Europe, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, fine art, stone carvings –ar 4:3

