
内容简介: 本文介绍了30个用于投资、个人理财、财务分析的提示词。 原作者:Lyle AI,发布于X。 为何翻译这篇文章:高收藏,实用,开阔ChatGPT的使用视野。




下面有30个针对GPT4-Vision的提示词: → 投资 → 会计 → 个人理财 → 高级财务分析 → 金融科技解决方案 → 财务规划与预测:

✦ 投资

1. 股市可视化分析

提示词:“分析提供的股市可视化图表,该图表详细描述了(具体股票/公司,比如苹果、特斯拉)的表现。解读图表中的模式,标出异常现象,并全面理解该股票在过去一年的走势。最后,根据视觉数据给出可能的投资策略和风险评估。” (Analyze the provided stock market visualization detailing the performance of (specific stock/company e.g., Apple, Tesla). Decode patterns, highlight anomalies, and provide a comprehensive understanding of the stock’s trajectory over the past year. Conclude with potential investment strategies and risk assessments based on the visual data.”)

2. 房地产投资机会

提示词:“查看(特定地点,比如曼哈顿、旧金山)的房产图片。评估其潜在价值、位置优势和预期投资回报率。根据视觉吸引力、周边基础设施和市场趋势,给出详细的投资建议。” (Review the images of properties from (specific location e.g., Manhattan, San Francisco). Assess the potential value, location advantages, and potential ROI. Offer a detailed investment recommendation based on visual appeal, surrounding infrastructure, and market trends.”)

3. 加密货币图表解读

提示词:“解读提供的加密货币图表,该图表详细描述了(特定加密货币,比如比特币、以太坊)的波动情况。识别看涨和看跌模式,注意到重要的成交量峰值,并推测可能的未来走势。最后,根据视觉数据给出建议的投资策略。” (Interpret the provided cryptocurrency chart detailing the fluctuations of (specific cryptocurrency e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum). Identify bullish and bearish patterns, significant volume spikes, and deduce potential future movements. End with a suggested investment strategy based on the visual data.)

4. 共同基金组合分析

提示词:“检查代表共同基金组合分布的饼图。找出分配最多和最少的行业。根据视觉表达,提供多元化策略的见解,并建议可能的重新平衡技巧。” (Examine the pie chart representing a mutual fund portfolio’s distribution. Identify the sectors with the highest and lowest allocations. Provide insights into the diversification strategy and suggest potential rebalancing techniques based on the visual representation)

5. 商品投资的视觉趋势分析

提示词:“分析显示(特定商品,如黄金、石油)价格趋势的图表。解读历史模式,考虑图中可见的全球事件,并最终给出未来价格预测和投资建议。” (Analyze the graph showcasing the price trends of (specific commodity e.g., gold, oil). Decode the historical patterns, factor in global events visible in the trend, and conclude with a future price prediction and investment recommendation.)

✦ 会计

6. 资产负债表可视化评审

提示词:“评估(特定公司)提供的资产负债表可视化。识别资产、负债和股东权益的各个组成部分。根据视觉数据,提供公司财务状况、流动性位置和潜在财务风险的见解。” (Evaluate the provided balance sheet visualization of (specific company). Identify assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity components. Offer insights into the company’s financial health, liquidity position, and potential financial risks based on the visual data.)

7. 费用报告分析

提示词:“检查公司月度费用报告的视觉表示。找出重要支出、常规成本和潜在的节省领域。根据视觉见解,提供详细的审查和预算优化建议。” (Inspect the visual representation of a company’s monthly expense report. Pinpoint significant expenses, recurring costs, and potential areas of savings. Provide a detailed review and suggestions for budget optimization based on the visual insights.)

8. 税单图片解码

提示词:“分析提供的税单图片。提取相关数据点,识别可能的减免,并计算有效税率。根据这些信息,给出节税策略和可能的审计红旗的建议。” (Analyze the image of the tax document provided. Extract relevant data points, identify potential deductions, and compute the effective tax rate. Offer recommendations for tax-saving strategies and potential audit red flags.)

9. 现金流量表解读

提示词:“评估来自(特定公司)的现金流量表的视觉表示。解码经营、投资和融资活动。根据视觉数据,提供公司现金管理策略的见解,并建议改进措施。” (Evaluate the visual representation of the cash flow statement from (specific company). Decode the operating, investing, and financing activities. Provide insights into the company’s cash management strategies and suggest improvements based on visual data.)

10. 库存管理图片分析

提示词:“查看展示公司仓库和库存水平的图片。评估存储效率,找出可能存在浪费的区域和库存周转率。给出详细的库存优化和节约成本的建议。” (Review the images showcasing a company’s warehouse and inventory levels. Assess the efficiency of storage, potential wastage areas, and stock turnover rate. Offer detailed suggestions for inventory optimization and cost-saving)

✦ 个人理财

11. 个人预算图表解读

提示词:“查看个人每月预算的饼图。识别主要支出类别,潜在的储蓄领域和可自由支配的消费。给出详细的个人理财策略,重点在储蓄目标和预算调整上。” (Examine the pie chart representation of an individual’s monthly budget. Identify major expense categories, potential savings areas, and discretionary spending. Offer a detailed personal finance strategy, emphasizing saving goals and budget adjustments)

12. 信用卡账单图片分析

提示词:“分析提供的信用卡账单图片。找出高成本购买、重复订阅和可能的隐藏费用。提供消费习惯的见解,并建议有效的信用卡管理策略。” (Analyze the image of the credit card statement provided. Identify high-cost purchases, recurring subscriptions, and potential hidden charges. Provide insights into spending habits and suggest strategies for effective credit card management)

13. 养老计划图表解读

提示词:“解释展示个人养老储蓄随时间增长的图表。解码投入模式、投资增长和潜在的退休年龄。根据视觉数据,给出优化养老金投入和早退休策略的建议。” (Interpret the graph showcasing an individual’s retirement savings growth over time. Decode the contribution patterns, investment growth, and potential retirement age. Offer recommendations for optimizing retirement contributions and strategies for early retirement based on visual data.)

14. 偿还债务的视觉分析

提示词:“查看详细描述个人偿还债务过程的视觉表达。识别剩余的债务金额、利率和还款速度。提供个性化的偿债策略,强调最小化利息和时间效率。” (Review the visual representation detailing an individual’s debt repayment journey. Identify the remaining debt amounts, interest rates, and repayment rate. Provide a tailored debt repayment strategy, emphasizing interest minimization and time-efficient repayment)

15. 保险覆盖图表审核

提示词:“检查详细描述个人各种保险覆盖的图表。解码覆盖类型、保费金额和索赔历史。提供最佳保险策略的见解,并指出潜在的节约成本或增加覆盖范围的领域。” (Examine the chart detailing an individual’s various insurance coverages. Decode the coverage types, premium amounts, and claim histories. Offer insights into optimal insurance strategies and potential areas for cost-saving or enhanced coverage)

✦ 高级财务分析

16. 并购活动图像解读

提示词:“分析展示科技行业主要并购活动的信息图。识别模式、价值主张和市场整合趋势。给出并购格局和可能的未来变化的详细见解。” (Analyze the infographic showcasing major mergers and acquisitions in the tech industry. Identify patterns, value propositions, and market consolidation trends. Offer detailed insights into the M&A landscape and potential future shifts)

17. 金融市场情绪分析

提示词:“查看与金融市场相关的头条新闻、推文和新闻摘要的图片。解码市场情绪、投资者反应和可能影响市场的事件。基于集体情绪分析,提供市场走势的预测。” (Review images capturing headlines, tweets, and news snippets related to the financial market. Decode market sentiment, investor reactions, and potential market-moving events. Provide predictions on market movements based on collective sentiment analysis.)

18. 投资组合多样化视觉审查

提示词:“检查投资组合的视觉表示。识别资产配置、风险多样化和可能过度暴露的领域。根据视觉见解,提供定制的投资组合再平衡策略。” (Examine the visual representation of an investment portfolio. Identify asset allocation, risk diversification, and potential overexposure areas. Offer tailored portfolio rebalancing strategies based on visual insights.)

19. 视觉审计报告分析

提示词:“检查(特定公司)的审计报告的视觉摘要。解码发现、异常和潜在的红旗。根据视觉数据,提供公司合规状态的见解,并推荐纠正措施。” (Inspect the visual summaries of an audit report for (specific company). Decode findings, anomalies, and potential red flags. Offer insights into the company’s compliance status and recommend corrective actions based on visual data)

20. 经济指标图表解读

提示词:“评估展示关键经济指标如GDP、失业率和通货膨胀的图表。解读经济健康、潜在的衰退模式和增长前景。给出详细的经济展望和它对个人理财的影响。” (Evaluate the graphs showcasing key economic indicators like GDP, unemployment rate, and inflation. Decode the economic health, potential recessionary patterns, and growth prospects. Provide a detailed economic outlook and its implications for personal finance)

✦ 金融科技解决方案

21. 金融科技应用界面分析

提示词:“查看新金融科技应用用户界面的图片。识别用户体验元素、导航便利性和潜在的安全问题。给出全面的审查和最佳用户参与的建议。” (Review the images of the user interface for a new fintech app. Identify user experience elements, ease of navigation, and potential security concerns. Offer a comprehensive review and suggestions for optimal user engagement)

22. 加密货币钱包视觉审查

提示词:“查看各种加密货币钱包界面的图片。解码易用性、安全特性和币种支持。根据视觉评估,提供适合不同用户需求的最佳钱包的见解。” (Examine images of various cryptocurrency wallet interfaces. Decode usability, security features, and coin support. Provide insights into the best wallets for different user needs based on visual evaluation)

23. 二维码支付系统洞察

提示词:“分析基于二维码的支付流程的视觉表示。识别用户操作步骤、交易速度和可能的错误点。提供优化支付过程和提升用户体验的建议。” (Analyze the visual representation of a QR code-based payment flow. Identify user steps, transaction speed, and potential error points. Offer recommendations for optimizing the payment process and enhancing user experience)

24. 在线银行仪表板分析

提示词:“查看在线银行仪表板的图片。解读账户概览、交易历史和可用的金融工具。根据视觉信息,给出详细的审查和建议,以改进财务管理功能。” (Inspect the images of an online banking dashboard. Decode account overviews, transaction histories, and financial tools available. Provide a detailed review and suggest features for improved financial management based on visual insights)

25. 金融科技安全特性视觉审查

提示词:“检查展示金融科技平台安全特性的图片。识别生物认证、加密级别和潜在的安全漏洞。根据视觉数据,提供最佳安全实践和加强措施的见解。” (Examine the images showcasing security features of a fintech platform. Identify biometric authentications, encryption levels, and potential vulnerabilities. Offer insights into optimal security practices and enhancements based on visual data)

✦ 财务规划与预测

26. 财务预测图表解读

提示词:“评估详细描述公司未来五年财务预测的图表。解码预计的收入、支出和利润率。提供关于公司增长策略、潜在挑战的见解,并推荐行动,以实现或超过预测数字。” (Evaluate the graph detailing a company’s financial forecast for the next five years. Decode projected revenues, expenses, and profit margins. Offer insights into the company’s growth strategy, potential challenges, and recommend actions to achieve or surpass the forecasted figures.)

27. 养老储蓄视觉预测

提示词:“查看预测个人未来30年养老储蓄增长的视觉表示。识别投入模式、预期收益和可能的退休年龄。提供定制策略以最大化回报,强调潜在的投资工具和风险多样化技巧。” (Review the visual representation predicting an individual’s retirement savings growth over the next 30 years. Identify contribution patterns, expected returns, and potential retirement age. Offer tailored strategies to maximize returns, highlighting potential investment vehicles and risk diversification techniques)

28. 房地产市场趋势分析

提示词:“分析展示特定区域过去十年房地产市场趋势的图表。解码价格波动、供需动态和可能的影响因素。基于历史数据,提供未来价格预测,并建议短期和长期收益的投资策略。” (Analyze the graph showcasing real estate market trends in a specific region over the past decade. Decode price fluctuations, demand-supply dynamics, and potential influencing factors. Provide future price predictions based on historical data and suggest investment strategies for both short-term and long-term gains)

29. 商业收入预测可视化

提示词:“检查展示初创公司未来三年收入的视觉预测。识别增长阶段、潜在的收入来源和盈亏平衡点。提供关于优化收入流、潜在市场扩张和应对预测下滑的策略的见解。” (Inspect the visual projection of a startup’s revenue over the next three years. Identify growth phases, potential revenue streams, and break-even points. Offer insights into optimizing revenue streams, potential market expansions, and strategies to mitigate forecasted downturns.)

30. 个人债务减少预测

提示词:“评估详细描述个人计划在未来五年内减少债务的图表。解读每月的还款、利息累计和最终还清日期。提供详细的评估,并建议修改方案以加速债务减少,强调利率最小化和最佳还款策略。” (Evaluate the chart detailing an individual’s plan to reduce personal debt over the next five years. Decode monthly payments, interest accumulations, and final payoff dates. Provide a detailed assessment and suggest modifications to expedite debt reduction, emphasizing interest rate minimization and optimal repayment strategies.)



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