真假难辨:Midjourney AI 绘图软件打造的10张震撼美景
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打开Midjourney,① 选择一个新手频道 ② 完整复制粘贴本文中的英文提示词,然后回车。 过一会儿(大约30秒~3分钟)后,就会生成图片。

图片类型:风景 | 类别:自然 | 情感:令人敬畏 | 场景:日出时分,金色阳光洒在雪山巅峰上,形成壮观的全景画面,蔚蓝的天空和宁静的山间湖泊为背景 | 地点类型:高山 | 相机型号:尼康 D850 | 相机镜头:24-70mm f/2.8 | 特效:黄金时刻光线,高动态范围(HDR) | 标签:山脉,雄伟山峰,白雪皑皑的山顶,崎岖地形,惊艳,高山湖泊,日出 –宽高比 16:9
IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape | GENRE: Nature | EMOTION: Awe-inspiring | SCENE: A dramatic panoramic view of snow-capped mountain peaks bathed in golden sunlight at sunrise, with a clear blue sky and a serene mountain lake below | LOCATION TYPE: Alpine | CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D850 | CAMERA LENSE: 24-70mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Golden hour lighting, HDR | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, breathtaking, alpine lake, sunrise –ar 16:9

2. 雾林幽道
图片类型:航拍画面 | 风格:自然 | 情感:宁静 | 场景:鸟瞰一条蜿蜒的山路穿过郁郁葱葱的森林和雪山,浓密的晨雾缓缓升腾 | 地点类型:山口 | 相机型号:DJI Mavic 2 Pro | 镜头型号:28mm f/2.8 | 特效:雾气,航拍视角 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,蜿蜒的道路,航拍画面,晨雾 –宽屏16:9
IMAGE_TYPE: Aerial drone shot | GENRE: Nature | EMOTION: Serene | SCENE: A bird’s-eye view of a winding mountain road cutting through lush green forests and snow-capped mountains, with a dense morning fog slowly lifting | LOCATION TYPE: Mountain pass | CAMERA MODEL: DJI Mavic 2 Pro | CAMERA LENSE: 28mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Fog, aerial perspective | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, winding road, aerial drone shot, morning fog –ar 16:9

3. 绿涟潺潺
图片类型:风景 | 风格:自然 | 情感:平静 | 场景:一道晶莹剔透的山涧从崎岖的山坡上飞流直下,周围绿苔、青苔丛生,远处是雪山 | 地点类型:山涧 | 相机型号:佳能EOS R5 | 镜头型号:16-35mm f/2.8 | 特效:长曝光,丝绸般的流水 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,山涧,宁静,绿苔 –宽屏4:3
IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape | GENRE: Nature | EMOTION: Peaceful | SCENE: A crystal-clear mountain stream cascading down a rocky slope, surrounded by vibrant green moss and lichen, with snow-capped mountains in the distance | LOCATION TYPE: Mountain stream | CAMERA MODEL: Canon EOS R5 | CAMERA LENSE: 16-35mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Long exposure, silky water | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, mountain stream, peaceful, green moss –ar 4:3

图片类型:风景 | 风格:自然 | 情感:激励人心 | 场景:壮观的山脉稜线剪影,熊熊燃烧的橙红色日落,迎风飘荡的云雾在崎岖的地形中飘荡 | 地点类型:山脊 | 相机型号:索尼A7R IV | 镜头型号:70-200mm f/2.8 | 特效:日落色彩,剪影 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,山脊,烈焰般的日落,剪影 –宽屏3:2
IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape | GENRE: Nature | EMOTION: Invigorating | SCENE: A dramatic mountain ridge silhouetted against a fiery orange and red sunset, with wispy clouds drifting through the rugged terrain | LOCATION TYPE: Mountain ridge | CAMERA MODEL: Sony A7R IV | CAMERA LENSE: 70-200mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Sunset colors, silhouettes | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, mountain ridge, fiery sunset, silhouettes –ar 3:2

5. 星空之巅
图片类型:天体摄影 | 风格:自然 | 情感:神秘 | 场景:一片星空悬挂在雪山之上,银河和流星雨为崎岖的山峦增添了神奇的光辉 | 地点类型:山脉 | 相机型号:尼康D810A | 镜头型号:14-24mm f/2.8 | 特效:星空,银河,流星雨 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,星空夜景,银河,流星雨 –宽屏16:9
IMAGE_TYPE: Astrophotography | GENRE: Nature | EMOTION: Mystical | SCENE: A starry night sky above a snow-capped mountain range, with the Milky Way and a meteor shower casting a magical glow over the rugged landscape | LOCATION TYPE: Mountain range | CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D810A | CAMERA LENSE: 14-24mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Night sky, Milky Way, meteor shower | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, starry night, Milky Way, meteor shower –ar 16:9

6. 高山湖泊
图片类型:风景照片 | 风格:冒险 | 情感:激励人心 | 场景:雄伟的雪山峰巅,前景是一片原始的高山湖泊,映照着山脉的倒影 | 地点类型:高山湖泊 | 相机型号:尼康D850 | 镜头型号:14-24mm f/2.8 | 特效:倒影,黄金时光 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,高山湖泊,令人叹为观止的景色 –宽屏16:9
IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape photo | GENRE: Adventure | EMOTION: Inspiring | SCENE: A panoramic view of majestic snow-capped peaks with a pristine alpine lake reflecting the mountains in the foreground | LOCATION TYPE: Alpine lake | CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D850 | CAMERA LENSE: 14-24mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Reflection, golden hour light | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, alpine lake, breathtaking shots –ar 16:9

7. 曲径通幽
图片类型:航拍画面 | 风格:自然 | 情感:令人惊叹 | 场景:鸟瞰一条曲折蜿蜒的山路穿越茂密的森林,远处是雪山 | 地点类型:山路 | 相机型号:DJI Mavic 2 Pro | 镜头型号:28mm f/2.8 | 特效:鸟瞰视角,蜿蜒山路 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,航拍画面,蜿蜒的道路 –宽屏16:9
IMAGE_TYPE: Aerial drone shot | GENRE: Nature | EMOTION: Awe-inspiring | SCENE: A bird’s eye view of a winding mountain road cutting through a dense forest, with snow-capped peaks in the distance | LOCATION TYPE: Mountain road | CAMERA MODEL: DJI Mavic 2 Pro | CAMERA LENSE: 28mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Bird’s eye view, winding road | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, aerial drone shot, winding road –ar 16:9

图片类型:风景照片 | 风格:抽象 | 情感:宁静 | 场景:近距离拍摄山石上错综复杂的冰晶图案,背景是模糊的雪山峰巅 | 地点类型:山石 | 相机型号:佳能EOS R5 | 镜头型号:100mm f/2.8 微距镜头 | 特效:微距近景,冰晶 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,冰晶,抽象 –宽屏4:3
IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape photo | GENRE: Abstract | EMOTION: Serene | SCENE: An extreme close-up of ice crystals forming intricate patterns on a mountain rock, with blurred snow-capped peaks in the background | LOCATION TYPE: Mountain rock | CAMERA MODEL: Canon EOS R5 | CAMERA LENSE: 100mm f/2.8 Macro | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Macro close-up, ice crystals | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, ice crystals, abstract –ar 4:3

图片类型:风景照片 | 风格:艺术 | 情感:永恒 | 场景:一张黑白的照片,展现了崎岖的山脉,对比鲜明的明暗交错,突显出地形的纹理和戏剧性的轮廓 | 地点类型:山脉 | 相机型号:索尼A7R IV | 镜头型号:24-70mm f/2.8 | 特效:黑白,高对比度 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,艺术,黑白 –正方形1:1
IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape photo | GENRE: Fine art | EMOTION: Timeless | SCENE: A black and white image of a rugged mountain range with contrasting shadows and highlights, emphasizing the texture and dramatic contours of the landscape | LOCATION TYPE: Mountain range | CAMERA MODEL: Sony A7R IV | CAMERA LENSE: 24-70mm f/2.8 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Black and white, high contrast | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, fine art, black and white –ar 1:1

10. 云上独峰
图片类型:风景照片 | 风格:极简主义 | 情感:平静 | 场景:一座雪山峰独立于云海之上,背景是柔和的粉色天空 | 地点类型:云上 | 相机型号:富士GFX 100 | 镜头型号:32-64mm f/4 | 特效:云海,柔和的色彩 | 标签:山脉,壮观的峰顶,雪山,崎岖的地形,极简主义,平静 –宽屏3:2
IMAGE_TYPE: Landscape photo | GENRE: Minimalism | EMOTION: Calming | SCENE: A single snow-capped peak rising above a sea of clouds, with a soft pastel-colored sky in the background | LOCATION TYPE: Above the clouds | CAMERA MODEL: Fujifilm GFX 100 | CAMERA LENSE: 32-64mm f/4 | SPECIAL EFFECTS: Sea of clouds, pastel colors | TAGS: Mountains, majestic peaks, snow-capped summits, rugged terrain, minimalism, calming –ar 3:2
