强烈推荐:如何在 Midjourney 上打造最逼真的照片(提示词汇总)
PDF版本下载地址(选择免费下载): https://url64.ctfile.com/f/22676564-1030717042-2e4ef2?p=2018 (访问密码: 2018)
原作者:Henrique Centieiro & Bee Lee 编译及本地化:叶赛文

Photography Theme/Style (摄影主题/风格) + Description of Image Content (图像内容描述) + Image Angle (图像角度) + Image Focus (图像焦点) + Lighting (光线) + Weather / Time of Day (天气/一天中的时间) + Camera/ Film Types (相机/胶片类型) + Description of Realism (现实主义描述词) + Aspect Ratios (宽高比) + style raw stylize (风格原生风格化)+Decade(年代)
- photographer (摄影师)
- prompts weight (提示权重)
- no (否)
- Remix (重新生成)
- vary region (局部重绘)
2.1 Photography Theme/Style (摄影主题/风格)
序号 | 英文术语 | 中文翻译 |
1 | Glamour Shot | 魅力拍摄 |
2 | Street Style Photography | 街头风格摄影 |
3 | Portrait | 人像摄影 |
4 | Candid Photo | 自然抓拍 |
5 | Micro Photography | 微距摄影 |
6 | Underwater Photography | 水下摄影 |
7 | Wildlife Photography | 野生动物摄影 |
8 | Nature Photography | 自然摄影 |
9 | Lifestyle Photography | 生活方式摄影 |
10 | Catchlight Photography | 捕光摄影 |
11 | Product Photography | 产品摄影 |
12 | Photojournalism Photography | 新闻摄影 |
13 | Associated Press Photography | 美联社摄影 |
14 | Catalogue Photography | 目录摄影 |
15 | Documentary Photography | 纪实摄影 |
16 | Tilt Shift Photography | 倾斜移位摄影 |
17 | Food Photography | 食品摄影 |
18 | Black and White Photography | 黑白摄影 |
19 | National Geographic Photography | 国家地理摄影 |
20 | Unsplash Photography | Unsplash摄影 |
21 | Film Grain Photography | 胶片颗粒摄影 |
22 | Time-Lapse Photography | 延时摄影 |
23 | Motion Photography | 动态摄影 |
24 | High-Speed Photography | 高速摄影 |
25 | Pinhole Photography | 针孔摄影 |
26 | Stop Motion Photography | 定格动画摄影 |
27 | Action Scene Photography | 动作场景摄影 |
2.2 Image Angle (图像角度)
序号 | Image angles | 图像角度 |
1 | Close Up | 特写 |
2 | 3/4 Profile | 3/4侧面像 |
3 | Side Profile | 侧面像 |
4 | Back Angle / Behind Shot | 背面角度 / 后面拍摄 |
5 | Wide Angle | 广角 |
6 | Fish Eye Angle / Fish Eye Photography | 鱼眼角度 / 鱼眼摄影 |
7 | Eye Level Shot | 眼平级摄影 |
8 | Low Angle Shot / Low Camera Angle | 低角度拍摄 / 低相机角度 |
9 | High Angle Shot / High Camera Angle | 高角度拍摄 / 高相机角度 |
10 | Overhead Photography / Knolling | 俯瞰摄影 / 整理摆拍 |
11 | Drone Shot / Aerial Shot / Bird Eye Shot | 无人机拍摄 / 空中拍摄 / 鸟瞰拍摄 |
12 | Satellite Angle | 卫星角度 |
2.3 Image Focus (图像焦点)
序号 | Image Focus | 图像对焦 |
1 | Shallow Depth of Field / Shallow Focus | 浅景深 / 浅对焦 |
2 | Deep Depth of Field / Deep Focus | 深景深 / 深对焦 |
3 | Defocused / Out of Focus | 失焦 / 焦外 |
4 | Rack Focus | 转焦 |
5 | Soft Focus | 柔焦 |
2.4 Lighting (光线)
序号 | light | 灯光/照明 |
1 | Cinematic Still / Cinematic Lighting | 电影静态 / 电影照明 |
2 | Studio Lighting | 摄影棚照明 |
3 | Backlighting / Backlit | 逆光 / 背光 |
4 | Rim Lighting | 边缘光 |
5 | Silhouette | 剪影 |
6 | Warm Lighting | 暖光 |
7 | Neon Lighting | 霓虹灯光 |
8 | Film Noir | 黑白电影 |
9 | Sunlight Streaming / Sunbeam / Light Rays | 阳光流淌 / 阳光束 / 光线 |
10 | Color Filter Lighting / Color Gel Lighting | 彩色滤光 / 彩色凝胶照明 |
11 | Diffused Lighting | 柔和照明 |
12 | Spotlight | 聚光灯 |
13 | Bokeh | 虚化 |
14 | Hazy Lighting | 朦胧照明 |
15 | Romantic Lighting | 浪漫照明 |
16 | Rembrandt Lighting | 伦勃朗照明 |
17 | Long Exposure | 长时间曝光 |
18 | Short Exposure | 短时间曝光 |
19 | Double Exposure | 双重曝光 |
2.5 Weather / Time of Day (天气/一天中的时间)
# | English | Chinese |
1 | Gloomy / Cloudy / Overcast | 阴天 / 多云 / 阴暗 |
2 | Foggy | 雾天 |
3 | Sunny | 晴天 |
4 | Light Rain | 小雨 |
5 | Heavy Rain | 大雨 |
6 | Snowing | 下雪 |
7 | Dawn | 黎明 |
8 | Sunrise | 日出 |
9 | Mid-Morning | 上午 |
10 | High Noon / Noon | 正午 / 中午 |
11 | Late Afternoon | 傍晚 |
12 | Sunset / Golden Hour | 日落 / 金色时刻 |
13 | Blue Hour / Twilight | 蓝色时刻 / 黄昏 |
14 | Dusk | 傍晚 |
15 | Night Time | 夜晚 |
16 | Starry Night | 星夜 |
2.6 Camera/ Film Types (相机/胶片类型)
可以只添加 “DSLR”即可。
DSLR, 数码单反相机,Digital single-lens reflex camera
序号 | 相机型号(英文) | 相机型号(中文) |
1 | Nikon D850 | 尼康 D850 |
2 | Canon EOS R5 | 佳能 EOS R5 |
3 | Sony A7R IV | 索尼 A7R IV |
4 | FujiFilm X-T4 | 富士 X-T4 |
5 | Panasonic GH5 | 松下 GH5 |
6 | Leica SL2 | 徕卡 SL2 |
7 | Pentax Spotmatic F | 宾得 Spotmatic F |
8 | Minolta Maxxum 7 | 密诺尔塔 Maxxum 7 |
序号 | 相机类型(英文) | 相机类型(中文) |
1 | GoPro Camera | GoPro相机 |
2 | Night Vision Camera | 夜视相机 |
3 | Schlieren Imaging Camera | 纹影相机 |
4 | Fisheye Camera | 鱼眼相机 |
5 | Disposable Camera | 一次性相机 |
6 | Vintage Polaroid Camera | 复古宝丽来相机 |
7 | Instax Camera | Instax相机 |
8 | Ambrotype | 旧式照片 |
9 | Lomo Camera Photo / Lomography | Lomo相机拍摄 / 洛摩图像 |
# | English | Chinese |
1 | Agfa Vista 200 | 爱克发 Vista 200 |
2 | Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 800 | 富士 Superia X-TRA 800 |
3 | Kodak Ektar 100 | 柯达 Ektar 100 |
4 | Kodak Tri-X 400 | 柯达 Tri-X 400 |
5 | CineStill 800T | CineStill 800T |
6 | Kodachrome 64 | 柯达彩 64 |
2.7 Description of Realism (现实主义描述词)
序号 | 现实风格(英文) | 现实风格(中文) |
1 | Vivid | 鲜艳的 |
2 | Filmic | 电影化的 |
3 | Lifelike | 栩栩如生的 |
4 | Dramatic | 戏剧性的 |
5 | Authentic | 真实的 |
6 | Cinematic | 电影风格的 |
7 | Expressive | 富有表现力的 |
8 | Everyday life | 日常生活 |
9 | Photorealism | 照片写实 |
10 | Photorealistic | 照片写实的 |
11 | Ultra Realistic | 超现实的 |
12 | Ultra Detailed | 极其细致的 |
13 | Photo of the Year | 年度照片 |
14 | Real-life Photography | 真实生活摄影 |
15 | Award-winning Photography | 获奖摄影 |
16 | HD | 高清 |
17 | UHD | 超高清 |
18 | 4K / 8K / 16K / 32K | 4K / 8K / 16K / 32K |
19 | Film Photography | 胶片摄影 |
20 | DSLR photography | 单镜头反光相机摄影 |
2.8 Aspect Ratios (宽高比)
横向:5:4, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 21:9
纵向:4:5, 3:4, 2:3, 9:16, 9:21
2.9 style raw stylize (风格原生风格化)
–style raw –stylize 0
2.10 Decade(年代)
例如:1900s, 1980s,1990s, 2020s
1900s photography of a fashionable couple in the streets of Hong Kong, cinematic –style raw –s 400 –ar 16:9 –v 6.0
- **photographer (摄影师)**:会模仿摄影师的风格,让图片更有个性 教程:https://yesaiwen.com/midjourney-photo-realistic-prompts-photographer/
- **prompts weight (提示权重)**:突出图片重要的部分 教程:https://yesaiwen.com/midjourney-realistic-prompts-weight/
- **no (否)**:去掉图片中不想要的部分 教程:https://yesaiwen.com/midjourney-photo-realistic-prompts-no-command/
- **Remix (重新生成)**:需要多次尝试,才能做出好图 教程:https://yesaiwen.com/midjourney-photo-realistic-prompts-weight-2/
- **vary region (局部重绘)**:修改局部不满意的地方 教程:https://yesaiwen.com/midjourney-photo-realistic-prompts-vary-region/
PDF版本下载地址(选择免费下载): https://url64.ctfile.com/f/22676564-1030717042-2e4ef2?p=2018 (访问密码: 2018)


优惠码: ysw ,有九折优惠
